Business Intelligence and Reporting
One of the challenges facing IT new to Business Intelligence (BI) is finding the right leadership. Leadership that bridges the gap between technology and business. Leadership that understands business process and its use of data. Leadership that can manage business analysis, technical design and report development - both on and off-shore. TPP provides that leadership through our BI and Reporting Practice.
Business Intelligence services offerings include:
BI and Reporting Needs
BI and Reporting Offerings
For further information
Contact Practice Leaders
Gregg Prescott
Nate Kostoulakos
BI and Reporting Needs
Nearly every organization has a reporting and intelligence gap. For some, this gap evolved from multiple local solutions and the creation of islands of data (and tools). For another, the gap springs from ERP implementations and packaged BI that failed to deliver. For others still, mergers and acquisitions present multiple systems and solutions. Whatever the problem, TPP can help.
Companies require:
Visibility into daily operations - to drive timely tactical decisions
Custom reporting - because ERP software is always customized (configured)
Intelligent solution design - solutions that meet requirements today and tomorrow
Affectivity to turn their data asset into a strategic asset - achieving common vision
Tools and technology strategy - avoiding expensive, re-training, licensing and implementation
Issues TPP has seen across many of our clients and prospects compromise the vision leading to delays in implementation, cost overruns or sub-optimum solutions.
IT organizations which lack a technology road-map resulting in multiple competing tools or diluted focus
Lack of Business Use understanding - technical teams who don't or can't converse with decision makers
Excessive iteration.. build, present, change resulting in rework and costly delays
Lack of understanding of the capability - promising or customizing beyond the practical use of the solution
Kluged or missing data standardization - what happens when data translation misses the mark
These Issues can be resolved by partnering with TPP for leadership.
BI and Reporting Offerings
TPP provides reporting and business intelligence leadership.
We have the business and technical experience needed to provide:
BI Project Lead - oversee technical development resources and requirements definition
Business Analysis - intelligent definition of reports and data requirements
BI and Reporting Strategy - creation of technical approach to bridging the intelligence gap
Data Warehouse Design and Architecture - using reporting and queries to drive schema design
BI Tool Strategy and Selection - if competing tools is a problem, or a clean slate decision is available
TPP provides strategy and leadership, but also deliver on implementation. We can use
your technical resources or ours, utilizing the strength of our resource partners